– Instagram Mock-Up Screen 2

– Instagram Mock-Up Screen 3
YCN - Art Fund_ Student Art Pass Campaign
This campaign aims to get people otherwise not interested in art more engaged by showing them that they can find themselves in art.
The concept behind the artwork was the idea of mixing the ‘traditional’ with the ‘modern’ - a type of fusion. We decided to use classical examples of art and design pieces with examples of pop culture or well-known objects relating to ‘modern’. This was based on the idea that everyone can find a part of their personality in art.

– JVC / Daft Punk Screen 1

– JVC / Daft Punk Screen 2

– JVC / Daft Punk Screen 3

– Queen / IT Screen 1

– Queen / IT Screen 2

– Queen / IT Screen 3
These images are alternative ideas that could be used as Instagram posts. This example is based on Stephen King’s novel ‘IT’ being portrayed onto a portrait of Queen Elizabeth. ‘From King to Queen’ relates to the author of the book ‘IT’ and Queen Elizabeth. The second image follows visual relevance to the first image. In this example, the line follows the corset that the Queen is wearing.

– Lieutenant / VR Screen 1

– Lieutenant / VR Screen 2

– Lieutenant / VR Screen 3
This example is based on a Lieutenant's portrait and him wearing a VR headset. ‘From Vintage to Virtual’ was another way of saying ‘From Traditional to Modern’. However, ‘Virtual’ was put instead as it related to technology - the virtual reality headset. The second image follows visual relevance to the first image. In this example, the line represents the Lieutenant's medal.